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Schooling a Horse, Part 5 DVD-Rudolph Zeilinger

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Schooling a Horse Part 5 DVD by Rudolf Zeilinger

Schooling a Horse Part 5 DVD Achieving Collection Piaffe and Passage by Rudolf Zeilinger displays how to avoid any restriction on a horses natural harmony and grace but rather to encourage its suppleness and sheer pleasure in its own movements.

Rudolf Zeilinger one of the most talented pupils of the late Willi Schultheis is a trainer of Olympic and World Championship horses. He is well-known for the gentle and sensitive way he trains dressage horses encouraging them to develop a relaxed confident and athletic way of going combined with a happy forward-thinking attitude in their work.

Collection is the magic ingredient that allows the horses movement with continued training to become more elevated and expressive. Even if you do not necessarily aspire to one day riding a Grand Prix test this DVD will provide valuable help to improve your horses movement in the trot and canter; increase the smoothness of the steps he takes; and create optimal elasticity. Of course the ultimate dream of many a dressage rider is riding the perfect piaffe and passage with the horse'' dancing'' in a way that appears effortless and deceptively ''light.'' In Part 5 of his Schooling a Horse series Rudolf Zeilinger shows his sensitive training method for achieving these two movements and he provides interesting hints for getting the best from your horse. This DVD is a valuable guide for both amateurs and professionals.

DVD Run time 50 min.

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