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Krudzapper Topical Spray

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KrudZapper topical ointment is safe and effective for all animals. Easy-to-use, one-step wound and skin care. Reach for it first to stop the itching, protect area while healing and keep foreign matter away (including insects). For open wounds, scratches, rain rot, mange, ringworm, warts, infected wounds, proud flesh, fungus and more. Helps with summer sores, tick sores, lacerations and hot spots. Also a highly effective barrier against insects, germs and water. Kills fungus and bacteria. Promotes hair growth. Non-toxic; safe if swallowed. No need to wash, clean or prepare the site can be used over dirt. Recommended by vets and professionals. Spray contains sulfur, distilled water, glycerin, natural essential oils and natural extracts. Shake spray well before use. Spray was developed with same beneficial properties of ointment but in spray form suitable for use indoors and in and around household to treat pet's skin problems without the mess. Soothes away itch of flea-allergic dermatitis without using immune-suppressing corticosteroids. Disinfects viral, bacterial and parasitic infections including scabies and ear mites. Reduces pain and inflammation, and promotes rapid healing of skin cell tissue. These red, blotchy, inflamed areas commonly affect dogs, and sometimes cats, and can deteriorate dangerously fast if left untreated. Made in the USA.

Size:  8 oz
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